who are we...

Rise in Strength began in 2019 when 65 women from 18 nations came together in Amsterdam for a three-day consultation.

RISE celebrates the gifting, service and leadership of women in the Church across the globe. We mourn the injustices women continue to suffer and call on christians to take steps to honour women’s leadership in family, church and community to increase the effective witness of the Gospel.

We want to be a prophetic voice. The name, Rise in Strength, refers to the prophet, poet, judge and national leader from the old testament, Deborah. Partnering with Barak, she saved her nation from enemy forces and sang of how she rose in strength to answer God's call.

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what people say

We are connected to a number of church networks and christian movements, here is what a couple of them think.

Michael Oh of Lausanne Movement

Dr Michael Oh is the leader of the Lausanne Movement. He is a strong supporter of recognising each person's gifting and calling regardless of sex.

Thomas Schirrmacher of the WEA

Dr Thomas Schirrmacher of the World Evangelical Alliance has written and spoken extensively endorsing the Bible's view of women and men equally called to serve and lead.

Dr Gina Zurlo - Director Gordon Conwell Centre for Study of Global Christianity, USA

Rise in Strength was the first time in my professional career as a researcher that I was completely surrounded by women: it was shocking to me (in a good way!) the level of camaraderie we had. It was really personally encouraging to see the power and motivation of women working in many different spheres. It was at Rise that I got motivated to do my research on women in the global Church.

(Gina’s book on women in the global Church will be out in 2023.)

Dr Martha Strickland - university professor, social scientist, USA

Finding a community of women of faith - all hugely talented and with global vision - was beyond imagination. It was so energising, especially as a single woman. The Call to all Christians, which I helped to formulate, helped me recognise gaps in my own local community and made me bolder to work for change.

Dr Joy Wilson - Social Scientist and author, Guyana

Rise was a true time of sharing and a beautiful example of how women can edify, not tear down, the body of Christ. The Call helped me to find language that is truthful but also generous hearted.

our team

we are a committed team of women from across the globe involved in international and cross-cultural leadership in many settings.

Amanda Jackson

Amanda Jackson trains and leads women across the world –teaching on Biblical equality and strengthening regional networks of women leaders. She helps men and women to work together more effectively.  Amanda is the Senior Advisor on Diversity, World Evangelical Alliance. Amanda trains and serves women in leadership and is an advocate on issues impacting women – like domestic abuse, equality, Bible teaching, and women in mission. She founded the global Christian network to end domestic abuse (CNEDA). She also works with a mission agency encouraging women in the majority Moslem world and training men and woemn to see the value of co-working. Amanda is originally from Australia but moved to London over 30 years ago to particiapte in urban church planting. She has an MA in English Literature and diplomas in education and media.

Dr Jenn Williamson

Jenn Williamson, DMin, is the Director of Leadership Formation for Missio Nexus. She is passionate about equipping and encouraging Christian leaders to guide their organizations to greater effectiveness by developing and employing strategies and systems that reflect and reveal the Kingdom of God. She is a co-host of the podcast, GOING: Where God is at Work, discussing global missions. Originally from the US, she has lived and worked in Lyon, France since 2010 where she participates in church planting, mentoring pastors and emerging leaders, and training cross-cultural workers.

Aashima Samuel

Aashima Samuel is a human rights lawyer, who specializes in defending the rights of women and children especially victims of trafficking. She has helped rescue more than 1500 trafficked victims, given input on prevention of human trafficking at the United Nations, and written a research paper for the British Government on aboriginals at risk. She is a strong voice against gender based inequality in India. Aashima is the Director of Ashray Refuge for the Vulnerable: which equips churches to address the issues of human trafficking and gender based violence. She advises and educates on gender and religious freedom to the Women’s Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance. She lives in New Delhi, India

Elke Werner

Elke Werner has been a leader and advocate for women for over 30 years, encouraging women across Europe, through her speaking and writing, to fully use their gifting.  Elke was the Lausanne Catalyst for "Women inEvangelism" and served on the board of Lausanne International for over 10 years. She is a mentor, author and evangelist with proChrist.  She is currently the chair of "Hope for Europe-Women in Leadership" and on the women's committee of the Evangelical Alliance in Germany. Elke founded anorganisation called "WINGS- Women in God's Service", which exists toLOVE:  Lead women to Christ, Open doors forwomen, Voice the issues of women and Encourage women intheir God-given ministries.  Elke lives in Marburg, Germany.

Fiona Boshoff

Lynn Nwagbara

Yvonne McKenzie