Rise in Strength Consultation 2024

Rise 24 gathereed 72 women in Amsterdam - March 17 to 20 2024.

The theme verse for Rise 24 was Psalm 68:11, The Lord announces the word and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng.

To celebrate and encourage the mighty throng of women, we gatheredaatheredre gathering a powerful group in Amsterdam, around 70 women, who have all been invited because of their international influence in church leadership, NGOs, theology, advocacy, academic research, business or co-leadership.

Rise 24 was a rich time of

-Rich and challenging conversations
-Learning opportunity with creative, intelligent and dynamic women from across cultures and continents
-The most inspiring time to encounter God’s word
-Expert contributions to guide our thoughts and outcomes

You can now watch some of our highlights from rise 24

Rise 24 recordings

Impact of Rise 24

Watch these video interviews below for rise 24 - seven women discuss some key issues facing women

Read about the impact of Rise 24

Video Resources

All of our videos can be found on our youtube channel, but here are a few of the favourites

Tanya van Horne - We are called to collaboration and partnership

Dr Peirong Lin - Positive impacts of co-working

Dr Maria Andrade - The bravest fighters are women in the cause of God’s Kingdom

Rev Dr Lisa Pak - Family and belonging: an honest look at family

Janie Oliver - Bringing diversity to the culture of a Christian workplace

Dr Funmi Adeyimi - Justice and love at the heart of the gospel story

Dr Diane Marshall - the power of research in bringing changes in leadership

see more

Resources on our shelf

This reading list is just a snapshot of reading and blogs on topics to do with the role of women and men in christian leadership, current social issues facing women, and theology.
We highly recommend searching further at the well https://kyrianetwork.com/thewell/ and at christians for biblical equality https://www.cbeinternational.org/library

If you would like to know more about future
rise in strength events, please contact us

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