
Over the last couple of years, we have worked with people all over the world to create and curate a set of amazing resources for you to use. We hope that they help to empower you in your journey in leadership

What are you interested in?

We have different types of resources; videos, blog, and recommendations about books and articles

Monthly insight

Our monthly insight gives an opportunity to engage with the thoughts of other women in leadership around the world. This is a monthly release that is free. You can find it here on the website, but you will also receive it directly in your inbox when you sign up for our newsletter. You can do that here

Crisis will be overcome by hope

As I write this blog (my first in a long while) I admit that the state of the world has discouraged me from writing. There are just so many huge boulders blocking the road to hope.

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Crisis will be overcome by hope

As I write this blog (my first in a long while) I admit that the state of the world has discouraged me from writing. There are just so many huge boulders blocking the road to hope.

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The Power of Story

What can we learn about God's story throughout history by listening to stories women tell and reading Bible stories about women?

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Respect (an Aretha update)

Aretha Franklin’s hit song Respect, is a 3 minute plea to her man to show her a little respect, 'or you might walk in and find out I’m gone.’ The song was written over 50 years ago and fits into that genre of soul music lamenting how the man (it’s generally a man) has done wrong.Today’s deep and persistent lack of respect and decency in our public life as well as in personal relationships make the words mighty relevant. Scandal and moral failing are as old as history, but it is dispiriting that each new instance lately is met with either weary acceptance or pointless rage.

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Video Resources

All of our videos can be found on our youtube channel, but here are a few of the favourites

The Call - Gifting not Gender

The Call - Gifting not Gender

The Call - Young Leaders

The Call - Young Leaders

Dr Madleine Sara

Dr Madleine Sara

Margaret Mowczko

Margaret Mowczko

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Resources on our shelf

This reading list is just a snapshot of reading and blogs on topics to do with the role of women and men in christian leadership, current social issues facing women, and theology.
We highly recommend searching further at the well and at christians for biblical equality

Dr Claude Mariojni is an Emeritus Professor of Old Testament at Northern Baptist Seminary in the USA. He blogs on the Hebrew Bible from a Christian perspective and has many articles on Bible women. His blog is Claude Marioni


Amanda Jackson covers social issues, church and the public sphere from a woman’s perspective. Her blog is Amanda advocates
